Lets start this morning off with a bit of reggae.The new video for Melo-X's single off of his mix tape "More Merch", if your feeling this track and you want more, you can download the mixtape from here
The vibe on this song is great, i just discovered F. Stokes and definately interested in peepin at some of his other ish. Check the track
Here is a little quote from Stokes about the songs title:
"I’ve always had a deep, almost obsession like admiration for Richard Pryor and the bullet proof confidence he exuded – especial when his routine would orbit around race relations in America. The character of Richard Pryor’s Jo Jo dancer to me, metaphorically, represents the burning of all things driven by hatred and fear.”
Deteroit Based Producer Apollo Brown is getting ready to release his new Insturmental album called "Clouds " on March 1st. Check out one of the songs on the album above
DJ Teddy Ruck-Spin just released this mashup, didnt think i was gonna like it, but its definately catchy
I prefer the Wale one to the Kanye one, but thats just me
Gil Scott Herons fantastic come back album " Im new here" has been remixed by Jamie XX.
Views of this remix album called "We're are new here" have been polarizing, some love it, some hate it. I personally think its pretty cool.
Check it out let mw know what u think
Ive been listening to Odd Future's (OFWGKTA) most recent mixtape called Radical. The mixtape features all the members of the group and is a good introduction to the world of odd future. All the mixtapes; Odd Future as a group and as individuals are available for free download from their website.
Is Lupe Fiasco hotly anticipated Lasers album gonna finally be released? This album has been in the works for almost 3 years. Singles have been released, but no release date has been given to the album. In 2009 we hear that it was some typical artist vs major record label ish . Fast forward to 2011, and it looks like things have finally been sorted out. Lasers has been given a release date of March 8.
This song goes HARD. Btw the guest (2nd) verse is by RA The Rugged Man and He aboslutely murders the track. FYI, his verse is re telling his fathers the story during vietnam. Craziness
Shock rap at its best, these guys really know how to put a on a show. You'll either love em or think nothing of them, but these new kids (16-20 year olds) led by Tyler the Creator are known as "Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them Aall" or Odd Future for short, are really punching the rap game in the face. Self produced, self promoted and under complete creative control, these guys are blowing up quick
Here is one of the youngest members (Earl Sweatshirt) but one of the better rappers. this video went viral this summer. Earl is currently grounded by his Mama and is not allowed to perform or rap. so Free Earl.
Its only fitting that I start this music blog with a tribute to one of the most influential and prolific producers in the hiphop game. You might not have heard his name, but yyoud have heard is music one way or another.
5 years since he has passed, his music sounds fresher than ever.
Here the official tribute video, by Brian ‘B. Kyle’ Atkins
If you want to view the rest of the video go to okayplayer